Saturday, February 27, 2010

GoMA - Brisbane (24.02.10)

▲ my sketch

▲ YNG (Yoshimoto Nara And Graf)
It looks Japanese style.

▲ Bullet 2006-7 (Subodh Gupta, India b.1964)
Gold colour, motorcycle

▲ Rudi Mantofani

▲People holding flowers (detail) 2007(Zhu Weibing, Ji Wenyu)

▲PixCell-Elk#2 2009(Kohei Nawa, Japan b.1975)
materials - Taxidermied, glass, acrylic, crystal beads
work created with the support of the Fondation d'enterprise Hermes
Courtesy: The artist and SCAI, Tokyo
The artist is from Japan. We can notice exquisite of Japanese. It shows deer's shape by Glasses. Glasses look like Bubble. Extremely elaborate design and inventive.